Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Personal Finance Thoughts: May 27, 2008

Gosh why am I getting worried about this???

I will be done with teaching at the end of the week, and I have been a little concerned that with all of the extra free time I will have that I will start spending more money (going out to eat, hobbies, etc). I was considering not investing into my Roth for the summer just to have my checking account seem on a safe level.

But I know that this would be a bad long term idea... Anything I invest now will double approximately every 8 years (at 9% interest). Also, money I put into a Roth can be taken out at any time with no penalties, so it is almost like a second emergency fund if anything.

I know I should just stay the course and max out the Roth and put the rest into debt payments, I am just wondering why this new plan came up in my head. Maybe I will work a little in the summer (subbing for summer school teachers pays well).

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