Monday, September 1, 2008

Personal finance thoughts: September 1

So in May I spent less money then any month I could think so in the past 5 years. Without counting debt payments, I lived for $1,330. I ended up paying off a credit card for nearly $2000, and will put this payment into a different card with the highest interest rate.

A few of the ways I was able to do this are as follows...
- I created a budget and stuck to it. This is the most important step in order to have financial freedom. I ended up spending $80 less in gas, $40 less in food, and $30 less in miscellaneous.
- I setup a clear goal of saving at least $1000 this month so I could pay off a credit card. Knowing that I could stop paying interest on one card and placing this into additional debt payments was reason enough to follow this plan.
- I prioritized my expenses in terms of my life goals. In the excellent book,, the authors talk about figuring out how much money you make per hour and then relate expenses to how much time you work to get enough money to do so. I find that this is helping me control random purchases that I will not see much use for.

I have continued to set realistic yet difficult goals for the rest of the year and I will save at least $800 a month until 2009.

Doing without in your 20's

Here is a good article on deciding whether to be frugal or splurge away in your 20's